Online Course — Proust Ink

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Proust Online — A Self-Paced Course

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Proust Online — A Self-Paced Course offers readers of Proust a lifetime membership that includes 30 one-hour multimedia lectures during which William C. Carter covers in its entirety Proust's masterpiece In Search of Lost Time, formerly known as Remembrance of Things Past. Subscribers can proceed at their own pace and have unlimited access to the lectures, live webcams, and all supplementary material.

We will read in its entirety Proust’s masterpiece In Search of Lost Time, which offers a vast panorama of French culture and society from 1870-1922. The works extraordinary richness has inspired readers to compare it to a Gothic cathedral, Claude Monet’s panoramic paintings of water lilies, and Richard Wagner’s operas. Distinguished writers such as Vladimir Nabokov, Iris Murdoch, and Walter Benjamin considered this to be the major novel of the twentieth century. We will enjoy seeing what Proust has to say about painting, music, society, bad habits, nerves, cruelty, fashion, war, sex, jealousy, dreams, and, most of all, about art, memory, love, and time. Those not yet familiar with Proust’s novel will be pleased to discover that it is not difficult but it is rich, complex, and filled with humor.

The online course consists of 30 one-hour lectures that present a variety of multimedia offerings: images, photographs, recordings, and other supplementary material, presented in a lively and engaging fashion. Subscribers can proceed to the next lecture at their own pace and will have unlimited access to the lectures and all supplementary material.

Monthly membership for only $20

lifetime membership for only $200

2-year membership for $150

Reading In Search of Lost Time

Subscribers may use the Modern Library edition in six volumes, the Random House edition, or the Gallimard French edition. At present two volumes of my annotated edition are available: Swann's Way (Yale U. P. 2013) and In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower (Yale U. P. 2015). For every lecture, the corresponding pages for these editions are provided. Each lecture is accompanied by a “File Cabinet” that contains abundant supplementary material.

Register online or by Check

Join our interesting group of passionate readers of Proust and enjoy all the benefits of lifetime membership, incuding all 30 lectures and many additional resources. Payments are made through Pay Pal, which accepts all major credit cards. If you'd like to pay by check or money order, please email us at

30 Lectures

30 one-hour lectures with images, photographs, recordings, and other supplementary material.

File Cabinet

Students will have exclusive access to the Proust Course File Cabinet which contains material for each volume.

Live Q&A Webcams

Live Q&A webcams and short supplementary lectures on topics related to Proust's life and work.

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